Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas ode to my people

When I was double checking my Christmas card list (No, I'm not Santa!), I started thinking about the columns I designed in hopes of not leaving anyone out.  Friends, work, school, neighbor, family. 

I'm very blessed to have a long list of names in each of these columns.  So blessed, I can't figure out where to put people.  What if they are my neighbor and dear friend?  Friends for a reason, a season, or life... should I make columns for this?  If I work with you, are you strictly a work friend?

Clearly, through the holiday season and the whole year through, I am loved by friends.  For this, I am truly blessed.

So for all of my friends...
BFF, confidant, co-worker, co-worker I can drink and swear with, old friend, new friend, old friend made new again, timeless friend, neighbor, soul mate, smart girl, mom friend, family friend, party friend, co-conspirator, wonderwall, intellectual friend, can act stupid with friend...

Mistletoe kisses and hugs to you all!

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